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COMP 523: Software Engineering


Welcome to COMP 523: Software Engineering at UNC. Typically, we offer COMP 523 every fall and spring semester. We hope to offer it in the fall 2022 semester, but plans are not yet determined.

In this course, teams of 3–4 upper-level computer science majors build software for a real client with a real software need. These are not contrived class assignments, but real software projects, and every project is different.

If you are a student in COMP 523, most of the content on the site is written for you.

If you have a problem that software could solve, you could be a client in the class, and a student team could work on your idea during a fall or spring semester. To learn more, read the clients page.

If you are a software engineer who wants to give back, you could be a mentor for a student team. Mentors meet with their team each week to help them work through the challenges of developing a software project and collaborating with their client and each other. To learn more, read the mentors page.